Post by Admin on May 21, 2019 7:27:30 GMT
Topic: Local History
Suggested contact time
One term/15 hours
This content must be integrated with the historical aims and skills and the associated concepts listed in Section 2
Background information: Teachers should note that the word ‘sources’ has deliberately been changed to ‘how we find information about the past’ for Grades 4 – 6. The word ‘sources’ can be used if teachers feel that learners can grasp this concept.
Focus: Finding out about the past and applying this knowledge to local history.
Content and concepts
Finding a variety of kinds of information about the history of a local area
• How we find out about the present in a local area - 2 hours
- - information from pictures
- - information from writing
- - information from stories and from interviews with people
- - information from objects
• How we find out about the history of a local area - 3 hours
- - information from pictures
- - information from writing
- - information from stories and interviews with people
- - information from objects
• History project for Grade 4: Local history 7 hours
Revision, assessment (formal and informal) and feedback should take place on an ongoing basis - 3 hours
Learners should read and write for part of every lesson.
Evidence of learner’s work, including assessments, should be kept in the learner’s notebook.
• Topic: Learning from leaders
• Suggested contact time
• One term/15 hours
This content must be integrated with the historical aims and skills and the associated concepts listed in Section 2
Background information: The life stories of great leaders such as Mandela and Gandhi belong to all people all over the
world. Their selection is based on their leadership qualities as human beings.
Focus: The qualities of good leaders, using the life stories of Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi as examples.
Content and concepts
• Ask and answer questions about the lives and qualities of good leaders - 2 hours
• A good leader:
- - listens to people;
- - is a servant of the people and works for the good of others;
- - works with a team;
- - has courage;
- - is brave;
- - is dedicated and is wholeheartedly committed to his or her beliefs;
- - is dedicated and is wholeheartedly committed to others; and
- - is prepared to sacrifice or give up something for the sake of others.
• Life stories of leaders who show the above qualities:
- - Nelson Mandela - 5 hours
- - Mahatma Gandhi - 5 hours
• Guiding questions:
- - Why is he an example of a good leader?
- - Is it always easy to be a good leader?
- - Are leaders always popular?
- - Are leaders always perfect?
- - How can ordinary people follow the example of good leaders?
Revision, assessment (formal and informal) and feedback should take place on an ongoing basis - 3 hours
Learners should read and write for part of every lesson.
Evidence of learner’s work, including assessments, should be kept in the learner’s notebook.
Note: Teachers may add a local, provincial, national or international leader of their own choice if they have access to research material and if they have time. The leader must have contributed to the advance of democracy and human rights.
Topic: Transport through time
Suggested contact time
1 term/15 hours
This content must be integrated with the historical aims and skills and the associated concepts listed in Section 2
Focus: How transport has changed people’s lives over time on land, water and in the air.
Content and concepts
• Transport on land - 6 hours
- - Animals
- - Carts, wagons and coaches
- - The bicycle
- - The steam engine and the train
- - The motor car
- - Common forms of transport of people and goods on land today
• Case study: Environmental damage: exhaust fumes in a big city - 1 hour
• Transport on water - 4 hours
- - Rafts, canoes and reed boats
- - Some of the first sailing ships: Chinese junks, Arab dhows, caravels, British tall ships, clippers
- - The first steamships
- - Modern forms of water transport
• Transport in the air - 2 hours
- - Balloons and airships
- - Wright brothers and the invention of the first aeroplane
- - Modern forms of air transport
Revision, assessment (formal and informal) and feedback should take place on an ongoing basis - 2 hours
Learners should read and write for part of every lesson.
Evidence of learner’s work, including assessments, should be kept in the learner’s notebook.
Topic: Communication through time
Suggested contact time
One term/15 hours
This content must be integrated with the historical aims and skills and the associated concepts listed in Section 2
Focus: How communication has changed over time, and how many forms of communication have stayed the same.
Content and concepts
• The oldest forms of human communication - 3 hours
- - Language, symbols, songs, art and dance
• San hunter-gatherers (the first people in southern Africa) as an example
• Change in modern forms of communication - 9 hours
- - Postal system
- - Radio
- - Early typewriters before electricity
- - Telegraph
- - Telephone
- - Camera
- - Television
- - Computer
- - Internet
- - Cell phone
Revision, assessment (formal and informal) and feedback should take place on an ongoing basis - 3 hours
Learners should read and write for part of every lesson.
Evidence of learner’s work, including assessments, should be kept in the learner’s notebook.
Topic: Local History
Suggested contact time
One term/15 hours
This content must be integrated with the historical aims and skills and the associated concepts listed in Section 2
Background information: Teachers should note that the word ‘sources’ has deliberately been changed to ‘how we find information about the past’ for Grades 4 – 6. The word ‘sources’ can be used if teachers feel that learners can grasp this concept.
Focus: Finding out about the past and applying this knowledge to local history.
Content and concepts
Finding a variety of kinds of information about the history of a local area
• How we find out about the present in a local area - 2 hours
- - information from pictures
- - information from writing
- - information from stories and from interviews with people
- - information from objects
• How we find out about the history of a local area - 3 hours
- - information from pictures
- - information from writing
- - information from stories and interviews with people
- - information from objects
• History project for Grade 4: Local history 7 hours
Revision, assessment (formal and informal) and feedback should take place on an ongoing basis - 3 hours
Learners should read and write for part of every lesson.
Evidence of learner’s work, including assessments, should be kept in the learner’s notebook.
• Topic: Learning from leaders
• Suggested contact time
• One term/15 hours
This content must be integrated with the historical aims and skills and the associated concepts listed in Section 2
Background information: The life stories of great leaders such as Mandela and Gandhi belong to all people all over the
world. Their selection is based on their leadership qualities as human beings.
Focus: The qualities of good leaders, using the life stories of Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi as examples.
Content and concepts
• Ask and answer questions about the lives and qualities of good leaders - 2 hours
• A good leader:
- - listens to people;
- - is a servant of the people and works for the good of others;
- - works with a team;
- - has courage;
- - is brave;
- - is dedicated and is wholeheartedly committed to his or her beliefs;
- - is dedicated and is wholeheartedly committed to others; and
- - is prepared to sacrifice or give up something for the sake of others.
• Life stories of leaders who show the above qualities:
- - Nelson Mandela - 5 hours
- - Mahatma Gandhi - 5 hours
• Guiding questions:
- - Why is he an example of a good leader?
- - Is it always easy to be a good leader?
- - Are leaders always popular?
- - Are leaders always perfect?
- - How can ordinary people follow the example of good leaders?
Revision, assessment (formal and informal) and feedback should take place on an ongoing basis - 3 hours
Learners should read and write for part of every lesson.
Evidence of learner’s work, including assessments, should be kept in the learner’s notebook.
Note: Teachers may add a local, provincial, national or international leader of their own choice if they have access to research material and if they have time. The leader must have contributed to the advance of democracy and human rights.
Topic: Transport through time
Suggested contact time
1 term/15 hours
This content must be integrated with the historical aims and skills and the associated concepts listed in Section 2
Focus: How transport has changed people’s lives over time on land, water and in the air.
Content and concepts
• Transport on land - 6 hours
- - Animals
- - Carts, wagons and coaches
- - The bicycle
- - The steam engine and the train
- - The motor car
- - Common forms of transport of people and goods on land today
• Case study: Environmental damage: exhaust fumes in a big city - 1 hour
• Transport on water - 4 hours
- - Rafts, canoes and reed boats
- - Some of the first sailing ships: Chinese junks, Arab dhows, caravels, British tall ships, clippers
- - The first steamships
- - Modern forms of water transport
• Transport in the air - 2 hours
- - Balloons and airships
- - Wright brothers and the invention of the first aeroplane
- - Modern forms of air transport
Revision, assessment (formal and informal) and feedback should take place on an ongoing basis - 2 hours
Learners should read and write for part of every lesson.
Evidence of learner’s work, including assessments, should be kept in the learner’s notebook.
Topic: Communication through time
Suggested contact time
One term/15 hours
This content must be integrated with the historical aims and skills and the associated concepts listed in Section 2
Focus: How communication has changed over time, and how many forms of communication have stayed the same.
Content and concepts
• The oldest forms of human communication - 3 hours
- - Language, symbols, songs, art and dance
• San hunter-gatherers (the first people in southern Africa) as an example
• Change in modern forms of communication - 9 hours
- - Postal system
- - Radio
- - Early typewriters before electricity
- - Telegraph
- - Telephone
- - Camera
- - Television
- - Computer
- - Internet
- - Cell phone
Revision, assessment (formal and informal) and feedback should take place on an ongoing basis - 3 hours
Learners should read and write for part of every lesson.
Evidence of learner’s work, including assessments, should be kept in the learner’s notebook.